WAFI Center
The Women and Fetal Imaging clinic (WAFI) provides a new vision for healthcare combining a holistic evidence based approach to breast cancer screening and diagnostic breast imaging, fetal imaging , female fertility and endocrine problems, and lymphedema care using up-to-date equipment such as the digital mammogram, elastosonography and 3D ultrasound scanning
Breast Imaging
Breast imaging involves various techniques to examine breast tissue and detect abnormalities, such as lumps or tumors, often used for early cancer detection. Common methods include mammography, ultrasound, and MRI.
Fetal Imaging
Fetal imaging involves techniques like ultrasound and MRI to monitor the development and health of a fetus during pregnancy. It helps detect abnormalities, assess growth, and guide prenatal care.
Ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses sound waves to create real-time images of internal organs, tissues, or a developing fetus. It’s commonly used for diagnostics and monitoring in various medical fields.
DEXA (Bone Density)
DEXA, or Dual-Energy X-ray Absorption, is a scan that measures bone mineral density to assess bone strength and detect conditions like osteoporosis. It’s a quick, non-invasive test that helps evaluate fracture risk.